We offer various classes emphasizing getting into the community and bringing the community to us. We welcome various community volunteers to teach arts classes based on their expertise.

LYS instructors also teach community based classes revolving life skills such as cooking, gardening, laundry, public transportation, budgeting, and learning about local resources. We have united with our many of our partners for these community classes. Click to Volunteer!

LYS Garden

Community Crops has been a partner since 2013. When we began caring for our first garden plot, we also incorporated our first cooking class to utilize our harvest. We have utilized different community gardens and expanded to a larger plot over time. Our garden class offers education on planting, harvesting, and preparing various fruits, vegetables, and herbs. If you are lucky enough to visit after a garden class, you may get to enjoy some cucumber lemonade or fresh bruschetta!


LYS Trail Clean Up

We adopted a trail in 2013. The trail segment is located from 27 th and Capital Parkway to A street behind the Lincoln Zoo. When we aren’t cleaning up our adopted trail, you can often find us cleaning up our neighborhood and various parks we visit weekly.